The Royal Regiment of Scotland - Garden of Remembrance - Opening Ceremony
October 24, 2022 11:00 AM

OPENING CEREMONY - GARDEN OF REMEMBRANCE Princes Street Gardens, Adjacent to the Scott Monument, Edinburgh Monday 24 October 2022 1. Introduction The Opening Ceremony of the Garden of Remembrance will take place in Princes Street Gardens East, adjacent to the Scott Monument, commencing at 11.00am on Monday 24th October 2022. The Garden has been extended to include a Poppyscotland Field of Remembrance on the western side of the Scott Monument. Legion Scotland and Service and Regimental Association Standards are invited to take part in the Ceremony. 2. VIP Wreaths All wreaths should be ordered directly from the Lady Haig Poppy Factory on 0131 550 1573 or using the link below and mark for as collect from factory and write EGOR22 in the note section it will be delivered to the Field of Remembrance on the West Side of the Scott Monument, Princes Street Gardens East by the Legion Scotland Events Team by 09.30am on the 24th October 2022. 3. Timings The timings for the Opening Ceremony are as follows: 10.00am All Legion Scotland and Association Standards are requested to arrive at the Garden of Remembrance and report to Tony Hooman. 10.30am All VIP Wreath layers arrive at The Field of Remembrance. 10.40am Regimental Associations and other Ex-Service Organisations wreath Layers are to report to Tommy Douglas. 10.50am Legion Scotland and Association Standards will take up their positions. 10.55am VIP Wreath layers depart Field of Remembrance for Garden of Remembrance along Princes St 10.57am VIP Wreath layers form up behind Livingstone statue. 10.58am Wreath layers in position. 11.00am Opening Ceremony begins as per Order of Service. 4. Dress: Opening Ceremony - a. Serving Officers: As per military ceremonial instructions b. Civilians: Lounge Suits, Neck Decorations and Medals c. Band: As per band dress d. Standard Bearers: As per Service and Regimental Association rules 5. Service of Remembrance The Service of Remembrance will be conducted by the Reverend Dr Karen K Campbell, National Padre of The Royal British Legion Scotland. 6. Order of Service Programmes The Order of Service will be made available and distributed upon arrival. 7. Field of Remembrance Following the Garden of Remembrance Opening Ceremony all will be invited to visit the Field of Remembrance situated on the west side of the Scott Monument. 8. Medical First Aid cover for the event will be provided by Phoenix Medical a clearly sign posted first aid post will be on site at the eastern end of the gardens and the first aid point will be manned throughout the event. 9. Parking Parking is not provided at this venue. Please take direction from Police Scotland until the ceremony is completed. Any questions regarding the Ceremony are to be addressed to the Events Manager on 0131 550 1583.